Ever wonder how everyone on TV or celebrities has perfect teeth? I know I did! Many of them most likely have dental work done, and one of the most common cosmetic procedures is getting porcelain veneers. Before you decide to get porcelain veneers, there are a few factors you may want to consider.

Do You Really Need Veneers?
Understand that not everyone is a good candidate for veneers. If you already have beautiful teeth that are straight, even, and have no gaps, then perhaps you may just need some professional cleaning/whitening.

Usually when people get veneers, they have a problem that they can’t fix otherwise; (like two slightly different sized front teeth – even if they shave one down). If you have slight gaps/crooked teeth, then maybe you just need braces/Invisalign.

Your Real Teeth Will Get Shaved Down
This is the negative of getting veneers. If you’re a woman, think of getting veneers the same way you think of getting acrylic tips at a nail salon. They shave down your real nail, glue the nail tip and put the acrylic powder over it. The only difference is, your nails grow back, while your real teeth will be slightly shaved forever. The good thing is, veneers last anywhere from 15-20 years depending on how well you take care of them.

Veneers are EXPENSIVE
Depending on where you live, veneers tend not to be cheap at all. If you live somewhere like NYC (like myself), each veneer will cost you 1K-2.5K! Yes, you read that right. So if you get 10 teeth done on your top row, you will probably spend 10K-25K.

**I would recommend finding a great doctor overseas where veneers will be tremendously cheaper, like Lebanon/Dominican Republic ($400-$500/tooth). You will go on vacation, have an adventure and get your veneers done for less than the price you will pay for your veneers in a city
like NYC.

*The only downside of going overseas is that if anything ever goes wrong, you will have to find an alternative local cosmetic dentist who will charge you whatever price to fix it.

Veneers are High Maintenance
Getting porcelain veneers means maintaining them pretty much forever. Yet again, your real teeth are also high maintenance. Veneers are just a bit more. If you want your veneers to last for as long as possible, make sure to brush twice daily, floss daily, and use a good mouthwash to kill bacteria (all things you should be doing anyway).

Also, you have to be cautious with veneers when it comes to eating. Common sense would be not to bite into an apple, and instead cut the apple into smaller pieces and chew it towards the back of your mouth.

Since veneers do have an expiration date, keep in mind that you will have to go back to your cosmetic dentist to get them redone. Good news is, you will have a perfect Hollywood smile.

Pros of Veneers
-Veneers never stain
-Fix cosmetic problems
-Replace damaged enamel
-Not painful – acts and looks like real teeth
-Lasts for up to 20 yrs.

Cons of Veneers
-Irreversible procedure
-Have to get them redone once they “expire”

Braces or Veneers?
This really depends on what you want. Braces will straighten your teeth, but will not whiten your teeth, change the size of your teeth, and sculpt your teeth to perfection like veneers would.

How To Choose A Cosmetic Dentist
This is one of the most important things when getting veneers. When choosing a dentist, make sure you go in for a consultation and have the entire procedure explained to you in detail.

Ask any questions you may have, look at before and after photos done on different clients, and explain to the doctor what it is you want exactly. Also, make sure to look up reviews about the doctor to gain more insight.

Why I Got Veneers & My Review
I never had bad teeth, (knock on wood). I got veneers mainly for cosmetic purposes. I always wanted super white teeth, and I wanted my upper teeth to be slightly bigger. I knew the only way to do so was via veneers.

I actually had thought about getting veneers for years prior. What had pushed me to finally pull the trigger was that I was about to participate in a beauty pageant in 2013. I figured why not now? I actually only have my top 10 teeth veneers. The rest are my natural teeth. Luckily for me, my real teeth blend well with my veneers since they’re not stained, and also my bottom row doesn’t show when I smile. I never had any bad experience with veneers (thank God!).

I only recommend veneers to someone who has the same perfectionist mentality as myself, and if I think they actually need them. I get complimented on my smile all the time, and many people are blown away when I tell them they’re veneers since they can look natural to the amateur eye.

Where did I get them done?
I got them done in NYC. Unfortunately, the dentist I had went to back in 2013 is now retired; otherwise I would have linked his info. for you guys. If I had to do it all over again, I would go overseas and save myself thousands of dollars.

Hope you enjoyed reading my blog post. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below. 🙂 Would you ever consider getting veneers?